The Story

Writing has always been a passion of mine since I was young. I invested in my first journal when I was nine years old and often journaled my thoughts (the good, the bad, and everything in between). Writing was an outlet for me to express and process feelings, ideas and the world. Finally in the spring of 2020, I invested in my own website where my writing lived online through blogs. This website chiseled and molded into something new every year as I explored different passions of mine that included photography, writing, and then a podcast. Each part was a stepping stone into something better. I was unsure of the direction for where this platform would be until The Sojourney Co was founded in the spring of 2023.

The Sojourney Co. (or The Sojourney ) has been brewing in my mind and heart for the past few years. I have this deep profound love for understanding the Bible and applying it in our everyday life. It’s one thing to retain knowledge, but it’s a whole new level to actually live out what we believe and know. So many times, we think that Scripture may be too out of date or irrelevant, but I want to show others how relevant and needed it is in our culture right now. This world is trying to find answers and cope with pain, loss and identity confusion. The amazing thing is that we don’t have to wander this world confused about who we are and what we have been created to do. God has revealed and made Himself known to us. Now let’s take these truths we know about ourselves and our Creator to the places that need to hear of the same hope. Let’s live what we believe and share what we know with others.

The Vision and Mission

I wanted this platform to take a unique and different approach by allowing other faithful men and women to contribute their writing, stories and experience with God. I believe that it is crucial for any believer to be challenged of their perspective because it grows them. I personally was challenged when I attended Moody Bible Institute of what I believed in. Yet despite the discomfort, I have truly come out stronger and more understanding of those that may have varying theological convictions on secondary issues. This may not mean I necessarily agree with them, but I do allow the Holy Spirit to constantly teach me. Each guest writer is a faithful Christian that I love, respect, and value in the body of Christ. I wanted to encourage multiple perspectives from people of varying theological convictions on secondary issues so that we can seek to understand the other side instead of staying in our comfortable bubble.

There is always something we can learn, and we must be humble enough to engage in these conversations yet also have discernment from growing in our relationship with God. Finite beings will never be able to comprehend an infinite God. There is beauty in the mystery, and sometimes even in the tensions. We will always be longing for God because we don’t know everything. In other words, we will never get bored. Mystery keeps us in awe of him. I encourage others to ponder, wrestle and be slow to speak in times of tension and mystery.

The Sojourney Co. is an online publishing platform. Our vision is to inspire others to deeply long for the Triune God and leave as a changed person after encountering His beauty.

The mission and means to achieve that vision is by providing organically aesthetic, practical, and relevant resources faithful to the Bible and God’s character. The renewing of the mind should ultimately lead to a changed life for Jesus.

The Approach

The Resources

This place is meant to challenge and encourage you to think biblically and critically of the world, your faith and God. The Sojourney Co. provides a variety of resources to spur your love for God from blogs, podcasts, and hopefully an online store… Many of these topics will revolve around Christian Formation and Pop Culture.

Christian Formation

These resources dive into God’s word and expounds on His truth. They may include personal life lessons, raw and vulnerable convictions on the faith, and a dissection of God’s word. Christians need to have a biblical worldview rooted from Scripture. We can lose our saltiness if we still think and act like the world. The first step to becoming more like Jesus is to have a transformed and renewed way of thinking that overflows into our actions. It begins in reading the Bible and discovering what God has to say to us.

Pop Culture

Pop culture resources will explore cultural trends, fads and ideologies in light of God’s Word. They can reveal what human beings long for, where they find their purpose outside of God. It shows us how the world operates. It’s important that Christians are well versed in Scripture and also aware of current events happening within culture. There are a lot of people struggling with identity, purpose, sin, and suffering who are not in the Christian community. We must set out and share the hope we have in Jesus with them. Oftentimes, these topics will also reveal dark areas in our life of the practices we do that is contrary to our new identity in Jesus. There is room today for repentance and forgiveness. It can start now.

The Founders

Grace Vang received a B.A. in Communications from Moody Bible Institute. She resides in Charlotte, NC with her husband Vincent and their sweet cats Luna, Momo, and Milo. She is passionate about creating content that challenges others to think biblically about the world through her writing and podcast. Vincent helps her as the other main visual artist drawing intricate images for their shop and social media. The Sojourney Co’s visual aesthetics are heavily inspired by their love for God’s creation as they spend a lot of time outdoors. Some of their favorite hobbies are tenting on top of their car in the mountains of Asheville or spending a day at the ocean.