Sojourney captures this idea of the Christian journey here on Earth. We are sojourners wandering this world until Jesus comes back again. We set up our homes and life as if this time on earth would be permanent and final–– but it’s not. We don’t find our identity in what the world offers but eagerly await for something better.

A small organic online publisher dedicated to inspiring others to deeply long for the triune God in a world that’s not their home yet.

The Sojourney

The Latest

Theologically Enriching Reflections and Resources

This platform is a place for us to engage our faith in the world around us. It is also a place to deconstruct the world while reconstructing a biblical worldview faithful to God’s word. Reflections are marked with honesty, charity and grace. Discover a love for God by returning back to His timeless Word in the 21st century.

A common platform for a wide array of faithful Christian voices

Despite varying theological convictions on secondary issues, we are all united together as the body of Christ. We all have one goal in mind. To evangelize and preach the gospel to all the nations, and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20). The goal of this platform is not to speak on what to believe about disputable matters, but really to come together and encourage other believers to pursue God and holiness (however there are other wonderful resources out there for further study on these topics). Therefore, all blogs on The Sojourney Co. will be a place for God’s people, sojourners, to wrestle, apply and practice Scriptural truths in the everyday life. All writing from guest contributors are meant for the edifying of believers in their faith, nurtured through Scripture, directed towards hope in Jesus, and charitable in response. Some content will be hard to read and wrestle with. But encourage the uncomfortable places and conversations for they are great for growth. Always ask the question, what could God be teaching me about himself, myself, and others at this moment?

Read more on the story and inspiration towards this platform approach here.


  • All blogs have been intentionally written and geared towards encouraging others in their Christian formation. Christian principals are prioritized and tools are offered in blogs to challenge thoughtful, theological, and biblical thinking of the world. These rich pieces of writing are designed with encouragement, honesty, grace, and a charity in mind.

  • The podcast dives into pop culture and learning to engage with it as a 21st century Christian. These conversations have a unique approach to popular movies, songs, and trends that happen, and offer a biblical insight. You can listen and access the podcast here.

  • Aesthetic products that serve as identity reminders and conversation starters. Where the arts meet faith in a tangible and creative way.

A biblically trained Gospel communicator, authentic writer, and a visual artist.

Hello I’m Grace

Our journey back home begins now.

“All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country–a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.”

Hebrew 11:13-16